2025 National Trumpet Competition Valve Alignment Special

2025 National Trumpet Competition Valve Alignment Special

  • $225.00
  • Save $50
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Have you always wanted a Bob Reeves Patented Valve Alignment but don’t want to ship your trumpet to our shop? You’re in luck because we’ll be doing valve alignments at the 2025 National Trumpet Competition in Fort Worth, Texas. Just drop your horn off at our booth in the exhibit hall and it will be available for pickup by the end of the day.

Prepay now and save an additional $25 for a total of $50 off!

We will be having a valve alignment special at the show, discounting from our normal price by $25. If you prepay now, you save an additional $25 off the cost of the valve alignment for a total savings of $50 per alignment!

Here's how it works:

1. Select how many instruments you would like aligned, and if they are 3-valve or 4-valve instruments. You may have to come back to this page and add the item again to your cart. For multiple alignments, you may need to change the quantity once you added the alignment to you shopping cart.

2. Drop your instrument off at our booth at NTC on Friday, March 14th, Saturday March 15th or Sunday, March 16th.

3. We will text you once your alignment is done and you can come pick it up any time before the exhibit hall closes.

Alignments are first-come, first-served, so in some cases we may need to keep your instrument overnight if we do not get it done during the exhibit hours. If you need to make special arrangements, please email us at info@bobreeves.com.

That's it! No packing supplies to buy, no shipping costs, and no waiting while your horn ships to California and back. 

Learn more about Reeves Valve Alignments