S.E. Shires Trombones

Introducing the S.E. Shires Trombone Collection at Bob Reeves Brass Mouthpieces

Bob Reeves Brass Mouthpieces proudly introduces a meticulously curated collection of S.E. Shires trombones. Esteemed for unparalleled craftsmanship and exceptional sound quality, S.E. Shires represents the gold standard in brass instrument manufacturing.

S.E. Shires: A Tradition of Excellence

  • Craftsmanship and Innovation: Over 25 years of operation have established S.E. Shires as a leading manufacturer of professional brass instruments. Embracing the principle of "Quality without compromise," the company is committed to excellence in every instrument produced​.
  • Diverse Trombone Range: S.E. Shires offers an extensive selection of trombones, including Alto, Small Bore, Tenor, Bass, and Artist Models, each crafted with meticulous attention to detail at their Massachusetts factory​.

Unparalleled Craftsmanship Details

  • Onsite Fabrication Excellence: Bells, tubing, and valve sections are fabricated onsite to meet exacting standards, ensuring every trombone achieves perfection in sound and playability​.
  • Precision Engineered Components: Valve components undergo rigorous testing for accurate tolerances and flawless action. Slide tubes are drawn with precise tolerances, assembled without tension, and aligned meticulously, ensuring smooth, unparalleled action​.
  • Distinctive Sound Quality: The handcrafted approach imbues every trombone with depth, complexity, and character, providing musicians with an unrivaled sonic palette​.

Customizable for Every Musician

  • Flexible Component System: Recognizing each musician's unique physical characteristics and playing style, S.E. Shires trombones are designed as a highly adaptable component system. This flexibility ensures a personalized playing experience, tailored to each musician's ideal sound​.
  • Finding Your Perfect Combination: Beyond general observations, S.E. Shires encourages musicians to explore different component combinations to discover the setup that perfectly aligns with their personal style and sound preferences​.

The S.E. Shires Difference

  • Custom Series and Artist Series: These lines embody generations of knowledge and innovation, offering professional instruments that set a worldwide standard for quality and craftsmanship​.
  • Accessible Excellence with the Q Series: The Q Series extends S.E. Shires's exceptional craftsmanship to a broader audience, ensuring high-quality instruments are accessible to musicians at all levels​.
  • Partnership with Eastman Music Company: This collaboration has expanded S.E. Shires's instrument line and production capacity, reinforcing the commitment to quality and in-house manufacturing​.

Explore the S.E. Shires trombone collection and experience the unmatched quality, innovation, and craftsmanship that has made S.E. Shires a favorite among musicians globally. Whether beginning your musical journey or adding a distinguished piece to your collection, discover the instrument that speaks to your musical soul.